Sunday, November 15, 2009
self-disclosure and make friends!
Maybe everyone of us don't know what make us find a friend in a strange place. As we human got one thing special about us is we can communicate and we need to communicate. At a place, we tend to make friends.
Most of us try to find and share a common interest, this will help us easily to disclose more information and build relationships. Beside that, an event also can helps to build relationships as the situation will help us to disclose ourself , our ability and our personality as well.
The principle is very easy here. The more we disclose ourselve, the more easy for us to make friends! haha good luck in making friends from today onward.
Hong Chun
Well, not many people have experience what we called ' depression' before, therefore is not easy to understand the feeling of the person that had depression before. Many people might asked, what's wrong with this person, everytime think of negative things only, haiz! Some of them , they rather to just leave this person aside, as they don't know what to do to communicate with this person. Some of them might stay beside this person, to help this person to get rid of the depression.
According to the scientific research that i read before, they said when we think of negative things, the negative things will come to your mind continuously. It is because our brain will produce some sort of chemical. In the same time, it is hard to stop us to think negative things as well. If this situation continue to occur, then this is where the person will most likely to experiences depression.
well, to a person who is having depression, there are few ways that can help us to communicate with that person. 1st, try to think positive about yourselve before talking to him. Secondly, when having conversation with him, try to give eye contact which is very important, because it will helps to give him an idea of we are listening and paying attention to him. Next, we need to listen empathically and we must know that the speaker's intention is good. Try not to make any judgement and analyse what is he trouble at, what is his main concern? Did he need attention from everyone? Did he need a friend who can talk to? etc.... then guide him slowly to think positive.
well, as a friend,it is hard to give treatment to a person who suffer depression, but at least, what we can do is to support and be there for him. IF it is possible, try to seek professional help, because they are the one who knows how to deal and guide the person to has a normal life again.
by hong chun
Sunday, November 8, 2009
a self disclosure sponge???
I don't know why but i always find people coming up to me to tell stories off their wonderful life.They just come to me out of the blue and tell me this and that. At first, I felt weird but i listened all the same though keeping quiet most of the time and belief me, it can be real tiring!
It all started since form1 as i am a `pembimbing rakan sebaya'(PRS) where it is my duty to become the counsellor's extra ears. As it is part of my duty to listen ppl self disclose, I didn't really care how their treatment towards me was. Its my job afterall..I manages to hold on till form5.Here, i couldn't take it anymore. I had a major breakdown.
Therefore, after that,i came up with ways to cool myself down; the ways that i just wrote about just now to get rid of those things bottled in me. it really did help!
I find it fascinating and annoying as i really don't know why people come to me and just self disclose...I don't have a label on me that says self disclosure sponge have I?? ohya, the most interesting among all these self disclosers is my former class teacher. Being in her class, I am used to her always asking us to help her with her work. During these times, she used to tell me how she feel of our school and the problems she faces from her colleagues. Considering the fact that she is always fair and just and likes helping the students, she is not very popular among the other teachers.
Even now in college, people still tend to do that to me. The part that I hate most is that, after their self disclosure, they just dump you aside. When you have problems and need help, they don't even want to look at you! When they need you, its all honey and flowers to you...argh...sick...but then again, through these self disclosure sessions, i found my few bffs and i'm glad to say that they have so far stayed with me through thick and thin. if they didn't tell me how they feel, i wouldn't have known that we have so much in common.
through listening to these self disclosures too, i get to learn a lot from their situations and problems they face. hence, when i face it myself, i'm more prepared. I also realise that each person has his or her worries and it is wrong for us to perceive what a person's life is like for you really don't know what they are going through. matters that seem simple and uminportant to us may be a big issue for others, vice versa.
7 ways to tell a secret safely =P
1. Spill the beans!!! Say it out!!!
really, i mean it!!! you need to get it out of your head or else you'll suffer the rest of the day. say it and tell it to your bestie since childhood; your TEDDY!!! rofl... see, you can trust it can't you?? it will never tell others your secrets! well, it does not necessarily need to be a teddy; a bunny, wormy, ducky, doggy, anything that resembles a living thing =) give it a try ya...
2. Balloons fly high~~~^^
remember! buy a balloon! don't act smart and blow one yourself for the balloon won't fly XD
okay, buy a balloon and get a marker pen. ready? Start writing all the secrets you have on the balloon and secure a string to it after you are done. open your window and let the string go! be sure to watch the balloon as it rise higher and higher till it disappears. this will make you feel as though the secret has disappeared just like the balloons...^^
3. Burned to ashes...O.o find talking to your cuddly friend and letting balloons too over the board. well, here is something normal on board! =P get a piece of paper and start writing. pour your heart out on the doesn't matter...then get a lighter and set it on fire! would be so relieved to see the secrets smouldering away^^ but be careful not to burn the house down ya^^
4. Fly kites fly~~~ ^^
this is very much like the balloons method~~~buy a kite...write secrets on it and let it go...but this may be more dangerous as the kite might end up at the balcony of the person you wrote be careful and find out which way the wind is blowing ya...
5. Shout and flush! XD
feel like bursting?? fret not...get into the toilet, lock the door and look at the toilet bowl...shout everything you want to say into the bowl and then flush! lo and behold, you just leaked a secret safely...ohya, of course the toilet i mentioned here is the one at home=) don't go screaming in school ya or it'll be disaster ^^
6. I blog, u blog, everbody blog...=P
you can write them down in your blog so as to not forget them altogether. however, the blog must be set to private or else it s not much of a difference from publishing your story in the newspaper! ^^ so be carefull..
7. dear diary....^^
last but not to keep a diary...really, i don't recommend this very much to anyone!! I find this method very dangerous! anyone who came upon your diary will be able to read the contents! it is very good in the sense of self reflective but still...=S my bro once read my diary and omg! i can't tell you how embarassed i am!!! argh...
Well, here are the seven ways to let the secret out but hurt no one!!! cool huh?? i personally uses 1,3,5,6, and 7 respectively..^^ and they feel much lighter after, give it a try ya^^ no more self torture or betrayal anymore! =)
How to make your crowds listen to you from the begining?
So there are few ways to start in a public speaking.
1) The speaker can introduce him/herself and let them know how the topic will help and benefits to them.
2) Let them know how long the speaker going to take for the speech.
3)Start with a game, ice breaking that will motivate and listen to the speaker.
4) Start with a joke or an interesting story.
With these ways, this will motivate the crowds to listen to the speaker as the crowds learn how interesting the content going to be . thank you
By Hong Chun,chrno
public speaking once my fear
Back then, I was very nervous when I had joined a speech competition during my primary school. I learned and kept practised hard so that I could prepared for the competition. That day, I remembered that I was scared when I stood on the stage facing hundreds of people in a hall. What I had done was , I told myself that I will make! I gave out my courage and spoke it out. From primary till college life, as I grew up, I learnt the fear, seek for the fear and overcome it. Of course to say that it was hard to overcome the fear of public speaking, but as long as we are determined and gave out the courage to talk, people will listen to us.
Let see how i learnt my fear of public speaking. Firstly, I list out the main point that what i want to talk for the public speaking. Then, I plan how to start and end my speech. After that I keep practice by using mirror or to myself to listen. Lastly, challenge my fear, I keep told myself that I can do it! I will make my crowds to listen to what I said! This is how i overcome my fear of public speaking.
By Hong Chun, Chrno
Roles and common mistakes
Nonverbal communication cues can play five roles:
- Repetition: they can repeat the message the person is making verbally
- Contradiction: they can contradict a message the individual is trying to convey
- Substitution: they can substitute for a verbal message. For example, a person's eyes can often convey a far more vivid message than words and often do
- Complementing: they may add to or complement a verbal message. A boss who pats a person on the back in addition to giving praise can increase the impact of the message
- Accenting: they may accent or underline a verbal message. Pounding the table, for example, can underline a message.
- You’re not subtle. Be objective about your own observations to make sure you aren’t offending others by broadly mimicking their speech or behavior. Remember, most people instinctively send and interpret nonverbal signals all the time, so don’t assume you’re the only one who’s aware of nonverbal undercurrents. Finally, stay true to yourself. Be aware of your own natural style, and don’t adopt behavior that is incompatible with it.
- You bluff. Thinking you can bluff by deliberately altering your body language can do more harm than good. Unless you’re a proficient actor, it will be hard to overcome your body’s inability to lie. There will always be mixed messages, signs that your channels of communication are not congruent. It’s a prime example of leakage, and something others will detect, one way or another.
- You rush to accuse based on body language alone. Incorrect accusations based on erroneous observations can be embarrassing and damaging and take a long time to overcome. Always verify your interpretation with another communications channel before rushing in. You could say something like, “I get the feeling you’re uncomfortable with this course of action. Would you like to add something to the discussion?” This should draw out the real message and force the individual to come clean or to adjust his or her body language.
Posted by Lok Yee Wei
- USA — handshake is common (even for strangers), hugs, kisses for those of opposite gender or of family (usually) on an increasingly more intimate basis. Note differences between African-Americans and Anglos in USA. Most African Americans touch on greeting but are annoyed if touched on the head (good boy, good girl overtones).
- Islamic and Hindu: typically don’t touch with the left hand. To do so is a social insult. Left hand is for toilet functions. Mannerly in India to break your bread only with your right hand (sometimes difficult for non-Indians)
- Islamic cultures generally don’t approve of any touching between genders (even hand shakes). But consider such touching (including hand holding, hugs) between same-sex to be appropriate.
- Many Asians don’t touch the head (Head houses the soul and a touch puts it in jeopardy).
Question: Why do we touch, where do we touch, and what meanings do we assign when someone else touches us?
- Illustration: An African-American male goes into a convenience store recently taken over by new Korean immigrants. He gives a $20 bill for his purchase to Mrs Cho who is cashier and waits for his change. He is upset when his change is put down on the counter in front of him.
What is the problem? Traditional Korean (and many other Asian countries) don’t touch strangers., especially between members of the opposite sex. But the African-American sees this as another example of discrimination (not touching him because he is black).
Basic answer: Touch is culturally determined! But each culture has a clear concept of what parts of the body one may not touch. Basic message of touch is to affect or control — protect, support, disapprove (i.e. hug, kiss, hit, kick).
Basic patterns: Cultures (English , German, Scandinavian, Chinese, Japanese) with high emotional restraint concepts have little public touch; those which encourage emotion (Latino, Middle-East, Jewish) accept frequent touches.
Posted by,
Lok Yee Wei
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Relationship or Social Groups
The group is practically where you will pour out your feelings and emotions. This type of small group may last forever or sometimes may only last a year or two. For example, my family is a group that is long lasting whereas the group of college friends that I'm with now is short term as it may only last as long as we are still in the same college.
The development of my self-concept is largely based on my strong identification and participation with the members of these groups. In other words, they form who I will be. So, be careful of the your own relationship or social groups as they very much influence who you become.
Evaluation in Conflict Management
Evaluative You-Messages
- You never reveal your feelings.
- You just don't plan ahead.
- You never call me.
Descriptive I-Messages
- I sure would like hearing how you feel about this.
- I need to know what our schedule for the next few days will be.
- I'd enjoy hearing from you more often.
Simple and easy but unfortunately, people tend to only use the evaluative you-messages as they always like to save their own face. Recently, I have tried applying the use of both type of messages in my conversations and I found the results amazing. The difference in reaction is evident. Here is how the conversations sound like :
Friend A : Hey, lets online together tonight, then we chat till morning =)
Me : Sure anot?? You never online before also...
Friend A : WHAT??! I online everyday okay!!! You are the one who didn't online!
Me : Got la...I online every night...around 9pm...everyday sure got but never see you also..
Friend A : WEI!!! That's the prob la...I online 3pm onwards till around dinner time! You online later at night...How you see me??? Ask properly first la...
Me : oops...sorry sorry....okay....sorry a...
Well, disastrous isn't it? For all I know, friend A was uber pissed with me that day. Argh...Felt so bad...okay, let's continue with the I-messages...
Friend B : Hey, why you look so down today?
Me : Didn't I tell you?
Friend B : No, I don't think so...I was kinda busy this whole week remember...we hardly met la...
Me : Yeah, I remember...I would really like to confide to you my problems but sometimes I feel bad bothering you.
Friend B : awwwww.......Don't say like that...I would be more than happy if you are willing to share your secrets or problems with me...So, no matter how busy, I will give sometime...well, what are friends for if not to support you when you're down??
Me : Thanks a lot dear...
So, saw the difference in reaction? When you use the you-messages, people become all defensive of themselves straightaway as they see it as a form of personal attack. They react in a way to protect their image or save their own face. On the other hand, the I-messages focuses on the speaker than the receiver, thus the feeling of being attacked head on does not exist. Therefore, the person reacts more warmly to you as their defense is not on alert. Hence, you can see that using I-messages is way better than using you-messages. At least it reduces conflicts and maintains relationships. =)
Group's communication
There are few ways of communication that determine whether a group can successfully fulfill its goal or not. One of the ways is face-to-face discussion. This involved where every member in the group are involving their thoughts and share their conflict and ideas.This also involves verbal and non-verbal cues to enhance the meaning of their ideas and would not cause misunderstanding. This way is the most effective way of communication in a group that can helps to solve problem and conflict.
Another way of communication is through online services. For modern technology era, human are no longer have to wait for days or months just for a short reply and feedback. Nowadays, human can communicate through instant messenger and e-mail. This way is fast and easy for a long distance communication. However it could easily cause misunderstanding, because it does not contain non-verbal communication that support verbal communication. We do not know the tone of the words. For example, "No lah" can be mean as normal way of saying due to the culture. However, it could be misinterpret as angry tone, such as NO LAH could be mean as getting annoyed or angry. Therefore this ways are not really effective compare to face-to-face communication.
Great power comes with great responsibility


Well, I'm sure that most of us know what is spiderman and the origin of the spiderman. He was just a normal and simple human. Well this was't last till when he got his power after he got stung by a unique spider and he gained a new power. Initially, he did not use his power wisely and use his power to get money. His uncle knew that he was misused his power, and told him that great power comes with great resposiblity.
He did not listened till things had changed when his uncle was died due to a gun shot by a bad guy. He was angry and chased after the bad guy. He beaten up the bad guy and he wanted to get revenge for his uncle. However, he did not kill the bad guy as he knew that even though he kill the bad guy, he would not bring his uncle back. This was the hardest decision that he had to make as he had the power to kill the bad guy. Instead of killling the bad guy, he arrested the bad guy while waiting for police to capture the bad guy.
From that day onwards, he remember the words that his uncle said which was great power comes with great resposiblity, with his power gained, he had picked up his responsiblity as one of the super hero to save the world.
As you can see, spiderman was one of the leaders that emerge out his leadership due to significant change of situation and events. He was well respected leader and everyone knew that with his power, he took up the responsibility to save the world from criminals.