Sunday, November 1, 2009

Relationship or Social Groups

Interestingly enough, I just found out that family members are actually classified as a member of this type of group. It is called the relationship or social group. All these while, I have always thought family as itself; that it is not classified under anything. But alas, it is. A relationship or social group also includes friends and neighbors or basically any group that you sought affiliation, affirmation, and affection from.

The group is practically where you will pour out your feelings and emotions. This type of small group may last forever or sometimes may only last a year or two. For example, my family is a group that is long lasting whereas the group of college friends that I'm with now is short term as it may only last as long as we are still in the same college.

The development of my self-concept is largely based on my strong identification and participation with the members of these groups. In other words, they form who I will be. So, be careful of the your own relationship or social groups as they very much influence who you become.

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