Sunday, November 8, 2009

a self disclosure sponge???

seriously, have you guys ever experience anything like this?? i don't mind much really but nowadays people seem to get more and more horrible..okay, here is my case.
I don't know why but i always find people coming up to me to tell stories off their wonderful life.They just come to me out of the blue and tell me this and that. At first, I felt weird but i listened all the same though keeping quiet most of the time and belief me, it can be real tiring!

It all started since form1 as i am a `pembimbing rakan sebaya'(PRS) where it is my duty to become the counsellor's extra ears. As it is part of my duty to listen ppl self disclose, I didn't really care how their treatment towards me was. Its my job afterall..I manages to hold on till form5.Here, i couldn't take it anymore. I had a major breakdown.
Therefore, after that,i came up with ways to cool myself down; the ways that i just wrote about just now to get rid of those things bottled in me. it really did help!

I find it fascinating and annoying as i really don't know why people come to me and just self disclose...I don't have a label on me that says self disclosure sponge have I?? ohya, the most interesting among all these self disclosers is my former class teacher. Being in her class, I am used to her always asking us to help her with her work. During these times, she used to tell me how she feel of our school and the problems she faces from her colleagues. Considering the fact that she is always fair and just and likes helping the students, she is not very popular among the other teachers.

Even now in college, people still tend to do that to me. The part that I hate most is that, after their self disclosure, they just dump you aside. When you have problems and need help, they don't even want to look at you! When they need you, its all honey and flowers to you...argh...sick...but then again, through these self disclosure sessions, i found my few bffs and i'm glad to say that they have so far stayed with me through thick and thin. if they didn't tell me how they feel, i wouldn't have known that we have so much in common.

through listening to these self disclosures too, i get to learn a lot from their situations and problems they face. hence, when i face it myself, i'm more prepared. I also realise that each person has his or her worries and it is wrong for us to perceive what a person's life is like for you really don't know what they are going through. matters that seem simple and uminportant to us may be a big issue for others, vice versa.

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