Sunday, September 20, 2009

What do you do?

Picture this, have you ever been in a situation where someone is confiding in you about something confidential but you don't know how to reciprocate or act? Fret not! there are guidelines for Facilitating and Responding To Others Self-Disclosures.

1)Practice the skills of effctive and active listening
When someone says just be there to listen, yes they do mean that but you should also listen with empathy .You should try to relate or put yourself in that person shoes and feel what they feel or reason out why they did what they did. So that you can understand it best.Also another reason or signal to show that you are listening and you are interested is to ask a question every now and then or offer a word of comfort.

2)Support and reinforce the discloser
Even if you wouldn't have acted the way the disclosure did, show your support because the vital point to make note of here is to remember that if someone has disclosed confidental information to you its to show that they trust that you can offer support and comfort to them.

3)Keep the Disclosures confidental
This naturally goes without say, but of course naturally we sometimes tend to let confidental information which have been disclosed to us slip out.Thus it is important to make a mental note to keep all this information private and confidental because by disclosing it to other people more often than not it always brings about bad effects.So never betray someones trust.

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